Saturday, January 12, 2013

My Love Life

I haven't been blogging lately, I'm sorry.

I met a Pisces a few days ago, really cute and we had really great conversations. 29 Degree Gemini Moon, Aries Venus, Gemini Mars. Sun trine Moon. I thought we had something going, a good affinity. We had the same views and a similar hobbies.

One night my battery died and I put my phone and the charger and decided to study tarot while it charged. It took about 2 hours to get my phone and text him back. We were talking about traveling. He never texted back which was odd because we both told each other we sleep pretty late. I knew he was up, but I let it go because he's not obligated to txt me. I'm not his and he is not mine. Yesterday, I texted him and we texted a little bit. I said "you fell asleep early last night" he said "yeah around midnight" which is the time I texted him. So I thought, I knew you saw me text you and you ignored it. I didn't say anything because I'm trying not to let my Pluto out so early anymore. It scares people away so I just rolled with it. Then he stopped texting me. I thought, okay he's busy he'll text me later. Later I went to Subway and since we were talking about it yesterday and I was feeling spontaneous, I decided to call him. He didn't answer. Okay. So I let time go by, no message back no call back. Nothing. I being the persistent person that I am, Mars in Taurus, I texted him a few hrs later. Still  no reply back. It's today and still nothing! I'm left wondering did I do something wrong? What the fuck just happened? Does he not want to talk to me anymore? Did he just swim away from me? I'm a little sad about this because everytime I like a Pisces that I like we always have a great connection, natural affinity, awesome chemistry, but they always end up swimming away from me. Why? Am I just too much for them?

So now still not reply and I'm just left here. Yesterday I had a dream about JS, the scorpio, and I texted him today. It was a good dream. He asked what happened. I told him that I saw his face, he was smiling. And it must've been a good dream because I didn't wake up repulsed and hating him. Am I stuck with this guy? Is he ruining my chances of finding someone who isn't crazy and who I will actually like? Ugh.

My love transits so don't stay in tonight if I'm looking for love. I'm going to a hockey game tonight. let's see what happens.