Saturday, February 9, 2013


"You're a sauna/jacuzzi. Some people will love you. Some people won't. That's life. Just love who you are. I like jacuzzi's! Seriously. I'll stay in a jacuzzi all day and it feels weird when you get out because it just feels different, ya know?"

That's something I just said to my Leo Sun, 8H Cancer Moon, Sag Rising friend when I was telling her about how her emotions are and who she is. Giving her a quick astrology reading. She's been having hard times navigating her emotions and recently had done something to harm herself and has been thinking about getting medicated which I'm trying to advocate against. It's ironic because when I first started taking astrology real seriously I had did her chart for her, but I didn't actually pay attention that her Moon is Cancer too. It all made sense after that. Which is why we have the same problems. Which is why she's so mood swingy. Which is why she always gets really down and depressed. I've been trying to uplift her for the longest and it was sad to see because we both confided in each other about our problems, but over time I've gotten better at navigating my emotions and learning how to deal with them while she's stuck, letting the intensity make her fear them. Fear life. I understand her because I have a Cancer Moon as well, you see? I know how it is. I KNOW. Plus, I have a Cancer stellium all in a tight conjunction. Cancer/Moon/Venus.  I know my crab, but she doesn't know hers. So I had to break it down for her:

"Your Moon is in Cancer which explains your mood swings. My Moon is in Cancer too which is why I can easily relate. Moon in Cancer is in it's right place and that just means we're very fucking moody, sensitive, emotional, mood swing-y, and quite frankly pretty loony. Honestly, you don't need pills, you just need to learn how to navigate your emotions. As the Moon changes phases, so does your emotions. Moon in Cancer is in it's home, it's rightful place as the Moon rules Cancer. That means that you're going to have incredible mood swings due to the phases of the Moon and even bouts of insecurity. You just need to learn how to go with the flow instead of fight it. That's how I'm able to get better. It might be more easier for me because I have 3 planets in Cancer and I'm a Cancer myself. It's hard for you because you have more fire than me in your chart than I do. Plus, you're a Leo, you want to be sunny. Unfortunately to do this, you just have to ebb and flow with your emotions. For christ sakes, stop closing yourself in. Stop it! It only makes things worse, TRUST ME. You have to open up to feel secure, you have to or you'll stay depressed. Think about what's making you moody and use your Leo Sun's dramatics to act it out. Act out how you feel, say how you feel, go with the flow of how you feel and don't hold back and I promise you things will get better. Who gives a shit what other people think, forreal, who gives a shit. As long as you won't hurt yourself anymore because you're barring yourself inside your emotions and letting them drive you nuts. Trust me I know you know I know. I'm a big fucking crab myself but I learned that I just have to ride the tides, man, and let it pass. If it's something I feel, I feel it completely. I cry, I call a friend and talk about it or sulk for a bit but try to stay active, make myself laugh. I funnel it through creative methods and that's what you need to do. Stop hiding from your emotions and become one with them because they are you. You can't hide from them, they are you. Stop being afraid to talk about them because it only hinders and isolates you from the ones you love. Honestly, it's not them. It's you. And now you have the power to change it. Find a way to funnel your emotions productively that way you can ebb and flow with them and be able to get through them while doing something productive and not have them totally depress you. Pushing away your emotions is definitely not going to work. Pushing your emotions back is just going to make them snap harder than they intended. WAY HARDER! Cancer is a crab and it's snappy and it won't be afraid to snap. And Cancer hates being neglected. Hates it! Cancer needs to be nurtured and nurturing. It's the sign of the "Mother". You need to nurture and mother your feelings as soon as they appear because a neglected mother becomes depressed and a bit spiteful. Also mothering those around you makes you feel better too. Don't deny this side of you anymore. In plus it's in the 8H which means intensity! INTENSE. Your emotions are fucking intense so you need to deal with them as soon as you can or cause a massive destructive flood. Cancer is a water sign, it needs to flow. Don't stop the flow because it'll build up and eventually break down the walls you've been building up against them and out comes calamity. Water is powerful! Noah's Ark. Moses. Tsunami's. Water is powerful. Think of that when you feel your emotions. Act them out, nurture them, don't neglect them. Make steam with your Leo Sun. It'll get hot in here but everyone will feel better at the end especially with your funny Sag rising. No more neglecting and nurturing! Cancer hates neglection! We need love. Love thy self. I'm glad you know what to do now :) The water doesn't always have to put out the fire. It can make steam that everyone will love. Because face it, who doesn't love sauna time or a Jacuzzi? Your ego is fire (Leo) and your emotions are water (Cancer). Face your immense intense emotions and mood swings (Cancer) and let them transform you (8H Moon) to a better person and happier, sunnier you (Leo) as you get closer to knowing who you are. There's nothing wrong with emotions, trust me, I love mine now. It just means we are human. Our feelings are REAL."

Then we proceeded to talk about Justin Bieber. Honestly, I'm glad I was finally able to pin the source down for her and tell her exactly what's going on. Before all I could do was try to give her uplifting advice and be there for her, but I'm glad I was able to convince her to take astrology serious and listen to what I had to say. She doesn't believe in astrology, but I had to tell her that contrary to belief, it's a tool from God that helps journey in our life to find out who we are and our path. At the end of my spiel, I got her to actually understand and she actually knew what I meant by what I was saying. She completely grasped the concept and that made me feel really good. It makes me feel like I'm actually starting to get the hang of this. At first I've been really hesitant to try to piece astrology all together when giving advice to people and explaining things, but I'm surprising myself lately. All this learning has really payed off and I'm surprised. A few days ago I tested myself by writing down what I know about the planets, houses, and aspects, and it was actually more on point than I thought it would be! I even drew a couple of charts by hand, placing planets, and drawing aspects and all. It was actually fairly easy. I seriously don't give myself enough credit. Trust me I have more to learn, but I'm proud that I'm able to speak and regurgitate what I know back out. That means that I am actually learning. 3H Uranus Capricorn baby. Teaching myself is really working with the help of

I'm really happy that I'm on the right path with this. I'm not that good and I'm not going to act like I'm the shit because I'm not. I still have a lot to learn. But I'm proud of where I'm at right now and the progress I've made from when I first started. This is something I really want to do as a part of my career and it feels good to know that I'm somewhat on the right track. It feels good to know that I can help with my services(Jupiter in Virgo), and that's all I want to do. Really. I want to help the universe and the people inhabiting it. And that is everyone.

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