Monday, January 20, 2014

Short Stories 2013: Cancer and Capricorn

Cancer and Capricorn

You've called me a total of about 6 times in two weeks. I didn't pick up not once. I've been hoping you cut my phone off so I could end a connection with you. Yes, I ignored you on purpose. I won't deny it. I feel like you hinder my progress. I'm transforming you see, and every time the thought of you holds me back. It's who you are. You make me feel like shit. Not alike, but not different. I'm your individualistic counterpart or maybe who you were becoming. I'm going this way and you can't hold me back anymore.

I want to show you who I am. I want you to know who I am. I'm the other side of you, you see? You know me, so why don't you tell me. It's always awkward around you, why don't you just tell me? Instead I sit here with hologram fear holding back who I'm meant to be. Why can't you see that all along this was me.

Or do you deny it so much that you Neptune it? Why can't you just not give a fuck. Okay?

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